To recap, we proudly present our brand-new personality test that helps companies not only identify "Movers" but also nurture their talents and place them where they can make the greatest impact. Alternatively, it can help ambitious individuals - very much like yourself - make an impact in their organization and take full control of their career!
How does it work? Our test evaluates three key abilities: The ability to initiate ☝🏼, to move 🚚, and to collaborate 🤝
By participating in this test, you'll receive a detailed personality profile along 13 dimensions, and if you wish, we can also discuss it in a one-to-one conversation highlighting strengths and weaknesses, and suggesting tangible measures to improve your AIM. In return, we will receive a pseudonymized dataset to continuously re-train our model.
Please note that we can only provide you with our detailed feedback if you also leave us your e-mail address in our test form. Your address will be deleted as soon as we have been in touch with you, leaving us with only the pseudonymized dataset.
The test will take approximately 30 minutes of your time, but it will provide you with valuable insights. Are you ready to discover your true potential and evolve into a true "Mover"? Support us in this exciting project by clicking the link below and completing our questionnaire.
Note: To pseudonymize your data, please use a test ID composed of the first letter of your mother's name, the first letter of your father's name, and your birthdate. For example, Erika Mustermann, Max Mustermann, 31.01.1996 -> EM31
So... Unlock your full potential and make your mark as a "Mover" in the working world!